
Hi, I'm William - a Physicist, Cloud Engineer, and Entrepreneur.

👋 About me

Read more about me

As a passionate computational physicist, my journey in this field is a blend of my early fascination with computers and a growing love for mathematics and physics. My approach to programming is deeply influenced by physics principles and harnessing the power of parallel computing for optimal performance.

My transition from just a computer enthusiast to a passionate follower of physics was not just a change in interest, but a journey enriched by the wisdom of mentors and tutors. Their guidance has been instrumental in shaping my understanding and approach.

At the core of my academic pursuits lies a relentless curiosity to understand the 'why' behind phenomena. Physics, to me, is not just a field of study; it's a philosophy that aligns perfectly with my quest for reasons and rationale. This philosophy drives me to build upon the work of my peers, aiming to unravel answers to some of the most perplexing questions.

Beyond my professional endeavours, I am committed to lifelong learning. Whether it's exploring new programming techniques or delving into a complex physics concept, I find joy in continually evolving and striving to be the best version of myself. This dedication to growth is not just a hobby but a way of life.

View my CV.

Contact: william.e.doyle.contact@gmail.com

👨‍💻 Professional Experience

☁️ Cloud Engineer

Led Infrastructure Transformation: Managed 10+ production environments using Terraform, overseeing GKE, EKS, AKS, and VPCs, and integrating S3 for state management. Significantly enhanced deployment speed and reliability for clients, including Shell.

Multi-Platform Expertise: Gained substantial experience in GCP, AWS, and Azure by deploying and managing resources through Terraform IaC on these platforms.

Containerization and Orchestration: Proficient in Linux, Kubernetes (handling deployments, replica sets, services, ingresses) and Docker for creating and managing pods.

DevOps Practices: Utilised CI/CD via GitHub Actions for testing and versioning, and developed automation scripts in Bash, Python, and JavaScript, significantly improving process workflows.

Monitoring and Security: Enhanced system integrity and reduced downtime by implementing Grafana monitoring and robust security protocols.

Team Collaboration: Fostered excellent teamwork and innovation through collaboration across teams and pursuing continuous learning to broaden technical ability.

🛠️ GitHub Projects

Title Description Stars Tech
GravAD Gravitational Wave Analysis using Auto Differentiation with JAX
StellarPhysicsHub Flask-based web application designed for astronomy enthusiasts in Python
PS1Palette Streamline Bash PS1 customisation through script automation for prompt colour coding and .bashrc integration.
CBC-Simulation Simulating CBCs with a focus on GWs emission during the inspiral phase using classical mechanics
StarScholar3D Dynamic 3D Visualisation of Stars Using The Yale Bright Star Catalogue in Python
portfolioWebsite THREE.js website with animation on scroll
solarSystem a JavaScript simulation using the p5.js library to model a basic solar system
FluidSim PyGame 2D Fluid Simulation
PythonProjectInit Python Project Initialisation Automation through Shell Scripting
nordvpn-polybar NordVPN polybar integration using BASH script
AstroClassifierML Machine Learning used on SDSS Data to Classify Stars, Galaxies and Quasars
PyWaveCNN Convolutional Neural Network for Categorising Gravitational Wave Contours
StellarSpectraML Machine learning project classifying stellar spectra using TensorFlow and astronomical datasets
TESCOdle A Wordle-Style Tesco Product Pricing Game
tesco-webscraper Using Selenium to Webscrape Tesco for Products, Prices and Images
TUITS Terminal User Interface Time Sheet - with AI Summary

⚛️ Publications

Searching for Black Holes using Auto Differentiation View Publication
Advancements in the GravAD Pipeline: Template Reduction and Testing Simulated Signals for Black Hole Detection View Publication
ResearchGate Profile Visit Profile

📜 Certificates

Course Provider Specialisation
DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Coursera Python, TensorFlow, Machine Learning
Sequences, Time Series and Prediction Coursera Python, TensorFlow, Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow Coursera Python, TensorFlow, Machine Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow Coursera Python, TensorFlow, Machine Learning
Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Coursera Python, TensorFlow, Machine Learning
Intermediate Machine Learning Kaggle Python, Machine Learning
Intro to Machine Learning Kaggle Python, Machine Learning
Learn SQL Codecademy SQL, Data Management
Analyze Data with SQL Skill Path Codecademy SQL, Data Analysis
How to Transform Tables SQL Course Codecademy SQL, Database Transformation
How to Analyze Business Metrics with SQL Course Codecademy SQL, Business Analysis
Learn Intermediate SQL for Marketers and Product Managers Codecademy SQL, Marketing, Product Management
Master Statistics with Python Skill Path Codecademy Python, Statistics
Learn Data Analysis with Pandas Codecademy Python, Data Analysis
Learn Git & GitHub Codecademy Git, Version Control
Learn Bash Scripting Codecademy Shell Scripting, Command Line
Certified Kubernetes Administrator A Cloud Guru Kubernetes, Cloud

The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.

- Sir Arthur Eddington